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Meet the Fashion Bloggers Le Style Child

22 January 2014

Today our featured blogger is Rachel of Le Style Child, don’t forget to vote your favorite Fashion Blogger and win an amazing shopping coupon! Click now!

Hi Rachel, tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc.)

I am a native Californian and I have also lived in Texas and am currently based in New York City. I am an Advertising and Marketing Communications major at the Fashion Institute of Technology, a Fashion Insider for the website LookLab and I was a finalist in both the ASOS Future Stylist Competition and Lord & Taylor Student Styling Competition. I am a fashion writer and I contribute to The Huffington Post and manage both of my blogs Le Style Child ( and The Style Line ( I have also interned at Rebecca Minkoff in the Marketing Department and at Teen Vogue in the Fashion Department. I am currently interning and blogging for Jeffrey Campbell. I am an extremely ambitious and passionate person, and like many others I have created my blogs to showcase talent, share my personal style, creations and love of the wearable art we call fashion. Enjoy!

How would you define your style?

This used to be one of the most difficult questions for me to answer, but I tend to keep giving the same response: It is nearly impossible to concretely describe my style. It changes and grows just as much as I do as a person. But hey, that’s what makes it personal right? But if I had to use a couple of words to describe it more clearly I’d say it’s trendy, fashion-forward and eclectic.

What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?

I recently just realized that I’ve been blogging a lot longer than I had originally thought. I started used Xanga and Livejournal and always did it more as a hobby and I was only like twelve or thirteen at the time (maybe even younger) so it wasn’t anything too serious. However upon moving to NYC, I became very influenced by the arts and fashion I started my first blog The Style Line as a way to showcase other emerging talent. I thought it was kind of counterproductive to start a personal style blog since there were so many out there already, however I was urged by readers and friends to start a personal style blog and thus Le Style Child was born. I love having both blogs so much, it really is such a pleasure. I might add that I’m currently also adding some customized designs to Le Style Child– so I’m excited for the new design to launch!

What was the best comment you ever received from a reader?

I’ve received a lot of wonderful comments and messages from my readers but I think the most touching was from a young girl in Australia. She asked if she could send some photos for me to sign and wrote me such a beautiful letter. I still need to send everything back to her… I’m also attaching a little present, but sshh don’t tell :).

Who/what inspires you?

My fellow fashion bloggers are my main source of style inspiration, they have the most real and personal take on the trends. Aside from that being a New Yorker definitely has it’s benefits… You are constantly inspired… I’m not exaggerating.

What advice do you have for new bloggers or people considering starting a blog?

Honestly, we are living in a digital age so it’s really hard to not be influenced or inspired by the internet, but if you’re going to start a blog, really make sure you are clear as to why you are doing it. I know a lot of people who blog because they see the benefits that come from becoming successful, but what I’ve learned is that the key to true success comes with having personal and singular voice and vision. People tend to become drawn to others who emulate that– everything else just comes organically. And in terms of visual aspects of the blog I would make sure the aesthetic reflects who you are and is simple and easy to navigate… Otherwise people will become overwhelmed!

Your first thought in the morning?

I don’t really think in the morning, I don’t have enough energy to do that haha! I just kind of do things… and then eventually wake up and embrace the day as best I can!

What is your favorite thing to do when not blogging?

I’m the kind of person who needs to always be doing something, so luckily living in a city allows for this kind of go go go mentality. I love reading, writing, shopping, going to concerts, hanging with friends and my boyfriend and traveling! It all really depends on the weather and if I have money to do certain things.

For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?

Am I biased if I say New York? I mean I’ve traveled to Paris and Barcelona and other major cities and I think it’s fair to say that each city has a group of individuals who emulate their personal style and create a sensibility that is influenced by their culture. It really depends, I don’t think I can fairly answer this question– because what I may consider fashionable, may seem atrocious to someone else!

How would you describe fashion in the city where you live?

New York is a melting pot in culture and in dress. You really never know what you’re going to get when you see people on the street… and that can be a good or bad thing! Generally I think I live in an extremely fashionable city and it directly influences my own style, but I also think certain groups of people dress a certain way based on the area they live in, which is interesting too. I mean if I go to SoHo I personally expect to see ultra trendy glamazons wobbling down the cobblestone streets as opposed to Brooklyn where I can still see fashion-forward people but they have a more relaxed and artistic sensibility about them- and of course there are always those certain individuals who disprove this notion. Like I said, it really depends!

What message do you hope to send to your readers?

Thank you for supporting and challenging me. You all make it worthwhile and I am honored to be where I am because of all of you. I cannot thank you enough.

Do you find Rachel’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!

Here are some Rachel’s tips for shopping on



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