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Summer   Must have Items
Fashion & Lifestyle

Summer Must have Items

Choose your destination and buy now.05 June 2014

Summer is just around the corner, get ready with a hot wardrobe for a very cool season.

Sea, beaches, happy hour with friends, this is the perfect program for a weekend.

What to pack? Click through our holidays hotlist right now and start collecting your capsule wardrobe.

Breaks the monotony with floral and tropical, from bikini to dress, bright colors, wedge sandals and a straw hat, and don’t forget a yellow big bag.

Outfit #1 Tropical Dress Versus | Wedge corda with gold Sergio Rossi

Outfit #2 Beachwear triangle and Wrap-skirt Patrizia Pepe

Outfit #3 White Short Pinko | Sweater short sleeve coste Iceberg | Slip on Saint Laurent

Are you ready? Choose your destination and buy now.

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