In this series, we’ve been interviewing some of our favorite fashion bloggers around the world, today our featured blogger is Vickie of Adventures in Fashion.
Hi Vickie, tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc.)
I’m a twenty-something blogger and fashion writer from Canada who’s obsessed with tea, red lipstick, the Golden Girls and all things fashion… When I’m not working or out with friends, I love to veg at home with my boyfriend and our adorable cat, Alexandra McQueen.
How would you define your style?
My personal style is all over the map and varies depending on my mood, but I would largely say that it’s girlie meets rocker chic, if that makes any sense!
Who/what inspires you?
I find inspiration everywhere, from magazines and Pinterest, to blogs and people walking down the street. I also love looking to past generations and styles for inspiration, as well as pop culture.
What are your favourite pieces in your wardrobe?
I’m all about blazers, so they’re probably my most favourite thing in my wardrobe, as well as clutches… A girl can never have too many!
What is your top fashion tip?
Just be yourself and don’t worry too much about what other people think … Personal style comes from within and is deeply personal, so have fun and stay true to yourself!
What advice do you have for new bloggers or people considering starting a blog?
Don’t get into it for the wrong reasons; bloggers are a dime a dozen these days, so you have to truly love it and be OK with the fact that you might not be the next big thing. Just do what you love, and the rest will hopefully follow!
What importance do social networks have for you?
They allow you to connect with people you might not otherwise have access to, while giving you a voice and a platform from which to share your message. Social networking sites are the greatest promotional tools at our disposal, and I don’t know what I would do without them!
What is your favourite thing to do when not blogging?
I love thrifting, exploring new places, cooking and spending time with loved ones.
For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?
Paris, hands down!
What message do you hope to send to your readers?
That fashion is fun, but that you shouldn’t let it define who you are; You’re amazing whether you have the latest “it” bag or fit into a sample size (which I clearly don’t!), so just be yourself and don’t take anything too seriously… I hope my readers get that sense from me, and know that I’m just doing what I love!
Do you find Vickie’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!
Here are some Vickie’s tips for shopping on