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Meet the Fashion Bloggers Fashion has it

22 enero 2014

In this series, we’ve been interviewing some of our favorite fashion bloggers around the world, today our featured bloggers are two sisters Claire and Vasia of Fashion has it.

Tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc.).
Our names are Claire and Vasia and we are creators of . We are students and sisters; from Greece but Claire lives currently in Paris. We are passionate about fashion and with anything that has to do with it.

How would you define your style?
Our style still changes. You can’t actually tell that we have a specific type of style. We like to experiment with pieces that catch our eyes. Generally we like to keep it simple because we believe that simple is all time classic.

What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?
Fashion has always been a great love of ours. We’ve been thinking for a long time a way to express this love and a fashion blog just seemed the right way to do so. We are able to share our passion with people that are interested in fashion as well. The greatest motivation of all is to think that there is just one person out there that has been inspired by our blog. Our motivation is to create inspiration to others.

How did you choose the name of your blog?
“Fashion has it..” is a different version of Rumour has it. We wanted to create a “gossip” around fashion we are into.

What was the best comment you ever received from a reader?
We received a mail from a girl while ago saying that she wasn’t really into fashion until she discovered our blog from a friend of hers. She underlined that through our blog she is now amused by picking up clothes and making different combinations.

Who/what inspires you?
We can be inspired by anything; from simple things while walking on the street to fashion magazines. That is the magic of fashion!

What is your top fashion tip?
Get a little black dress! Absolutely priceless.

What is your favourite thing to do when not blogging?
Shopping, styling and reading fashion magazines!

For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?
We can’t decide between Paris and New York. Taught call!

What message do you hope to send to your readers?
Fashion is an amazing way to express not only who you are but also what you think. We’d love to make our readers feel that fashion is something more than picking few clothes in the morning from your closet. The way you dress is a statement of who you are. Fashion can be too complicated and too simple at the same time.

Do you find Claire and Vasia’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!

Christmas is coming, here are some Claire and Vasia’s tips for shopping on



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