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Meet the Fashion Bloggers Glamourina

22 enero 2014

In this series, we’ve been interviewing some of our favorite fashion bloggers around the world, today our featured blogger is Natalia of Glamourina.

Natalia, tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc.):
Well, I am fashion stylist and blogger here in Poland and the blog I write is I am Ukrainian living and working in Warsaw.
The most important thing in my life is my husband, family and of course passion for fashion, which makes the world more better and more beautiful.
I am happy that I started this adventure with my blog. It is so exciting to be invited to many fashion events with famous international companies and being surrounded by VIPs.

What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?
Since I was a child, I used to paint, I loved art and fashion so much. Now I have my own place in the internet where I can share my vision of art and fashion – I realize I have a great opportunity, and I am sure I will get the best of it. Everybody has their own sense of style and sense of fashion – I have my own and I am happy to share it with my readers.

There is a lot of people that reads my articles and follow my posts and progress in my blog. I know that they love when whenever I add a new outfit… I love it too. Having many fans that support me motivates me a lot. It’s so pleasant to know that there are people that are awaiting for my new outfits, to see some messages from me. It is so fantastic!

How did you choose the name of your blog?
Actually it was very simple, I adore the word Glam! Just the way it sounds, the letters, the form of the word… :) When choosing the name for my blog, I was sure what name should be. “Glamourina” was perfect, now the people also call me Glam. The name is so adorable that I am even thinking to change my own name ;) Is it a joke? Maybe yes, maybe no, I’m not gonna tell you :)

Who/what inspires you?
Every day is another inspiration. The inspiration for me is everything I like in my life. When I am walking down the street I see a lot of people, buildings, shops, nature – everything is inspiration. The most important thing is to concentrate only on the things you like, than the result will be amazing. I love inspired acting – it always brings a lot of success. Yes, my life is full of inspiration which grows from love and passion.

Talking about inspiration as Alexander Graham Bell said: “What this power is, I cannot say; all I know is that it exists”.

Your first thought in the morning?
Breakfast! ;) Yeah… I am a type of a person, which loves to eat something sweet at the beginning of the day. When I stand up I drink a coffee with some cookies and I think how much abundant the day will be and how many new opportunities will show up.

What is your favorite thing to do when not blogging?
I just love reading books, especially topics about self-development and quantum physics. It is so exciting to know something more and to apply these theories in your life. I also love to spend my time with my closest family and friends.

For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?
New York. It is the city, where every culture and nationality is presented, so we can see there a lot of styles, colors and amazing looks. New York is special, however I think everywhere there is a lot of stylish and fashionable people, we should only look out of the window.

How would you describe fashion in the city where you live?
Some time ago Warsaw was a grey and sad city, but everything changed. Now Warsaw represents the latest fashion trends and styles. The city is colorful, the people are smiling and are dressed in fabulous things from famous fashion designers. I believe, Warsaw is full of artists; only the soul of real artists can express their personality in such a glamorous way.

What was the best comment you ever received from a reader?
The best comment is the one, which is written from the deep of the heart. I am always very helpful to everyone, when I receive the comment, in which my help is appreciated or where the person is thanking me for my blog and the inspirations I bring – it is a real joy for me! It makes me so happy and keeps me motivated to keep blogging.

Do you find Natalia’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!
Christmas is coming, here are some Natalia’s tips for shopping on



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