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Meet the Fashion Bloggers Me Flipa la Moda

23 enero 2014

In this series, we’ve been interviewing some of our favorite fashion bloggers around the world, today our featured blogger is Antonella of Me Flipa la Moda.

Hi Antonella, tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc.).

I am from Lima, Peru. At eighteen I went to Madrid, Spain, to discover the world. I fell in love with the city and I stayed there for seven years. I always like the art and culture, this isbecause my mother is an artist. Since childhood I remember seeing her mix colors andcreate new things every day.
During my stay in Madrid, I realized that fashion was a way to express my feelings, so I got into a fashion school. While studying design, creation and fashion styling at the School of Velez Per, I worked at a telemarketing company to cover all my expenses.
Effort and reward were positive, I graduated with honors, thing that I feel very proud. 3 months ago I returned to my hometown to contribute my grain of sand to Perú.

How would you define your style?

I sincerely believe that I am quite chameleon. I dress according to the day, the event and especially on my mood and how I feel.
I can be anything from a very sweet girl and elegant or soon to be a rock n roll star.
By day I use flat shoes with a look more relaxed and at night are basic heels and shine a little.

How did you find your sense of style?

Throughout my life experiences, my travels and my beliefs.
I consider myself a visionary of fashion and art.

What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?

I started my blog while I was doing my thesis to graduate in fashion design. The company I was working broke, so I stay some time off at that time and decided to invest in a fashion blog. Suddenly the idea occurred to me to express to the world my way of viewing the world through my fashion sense. I began to be well received and since then I keep posting, definitely what keeps me blogging is the great reception I got from thepeople that follow me and read me

How did you choose the name of your blog?

It occurred to me because Madrid is widely used the word “FLIPA” which means, to hallucinate, I love or like. Truth has many meanings and it all depends on how you use it.At one point that “FLIPA” was part of my everyday vocabulary and one day I said: ME FLIPA LA MODA, I note in my notebook and I named my blog.

What was the best comment you ever received from a reader?

I received many beautiful, the most recent at best might be this: “YOU’RE A QUEEN OF FASHION”, was a shame that was anonymous.

Who/what inspires you?

Being alive is my inspiration.

What are your favourite pieces in your wardrobe?

My vintage jewelry, my Converse with studs, that i customize it myself and blouses with transparency.

What is your top fashion tip?

Lots of attitude and knowing what you want.

What importance do social networks have for you?

Great importance . Thanks to social networks we can reach more people all around the world and cultures.

Your first thought in the morning?


What is your favourite thing to do when not blogging?

Being at sea!

For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?

For now I would say that the Italians have a lot of class and elegance. I’ve never been toNY, I guess there is a lot of fashion from what I’ve read and seen.

How would you describe fashion in the city where you live?

In development.

Do you find Antonella’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!
Here are some Antonella’s tips for shopping on



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