In this series, we’ve been interviewing some of our favorite fashion bloggers around the world, today our featured blogger is Emmi of No Fashion Victims.
Tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc.).
I’m a 23 year old girl from Finland, Helsinki. I’ve been blogging since 2008 and drive one of Finland’s biggest fashion blogs. Besides blogging I also study journalism in the university.
How would you define your style?
I’d say my style is pretty simple with a trendy and a bit edgy twist. I absolutely love fashion and follow trends but I only wear trends I really, really like – I don’t want to loose my personality and look like everyone else.
What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?
Well simply, the love for fashion and the need to share it with someone. The biggest motivation to blog these days are no doubt my readers, they’re all so sweet and absolutely wonderful people!
How did you choose the name of your blog?
It just came to me, it felt like me. In a nutshell it means that you shouldn’t follow fashion like a slave and try on every single trend, it should all be about looking like yourself and being personal. You know, doing your own thing.
Who/what inspires you?
I think pretty much anything in life can be inspiring. Other people on the streets, music, movies, magazines, blogs…life itself!
What advice do you have for new bloggers or people considering starting a blog?
Be yourself. Do not start a blog just because you want to become famous or known, you have to have personality and a great sense of style. Plus you have to know how to write, I myself can’t stand reading blogs that are poorly written…
Your first thought in the morning?
“Aww man, do I really have to wake up?” or “coffee, right, now!”.
What is your favourite thing to do when not blogging?
Just hanging out with my friends, listening to music, travelling and well, shopping of course…
For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?
I’d say New York but Helsinki is really great too!
How would you describe fashion in the city where you live?
I think the street style in Helsinki is pretty great these days, people are getting more and more brave with their styles! There’s a lot of really fashionable and good looking people here, come and see yourself
What message do you hope to send to your readers?
Stay true to your own style!
Do you find Emmi’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!
Here are some Emmi’s tips for shopping on