We are inspired by real girls, who look like us, and who create looks we can all emulate, today our featured blogger is Eleonora of Once Upon a Time.
Eleonora, tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc).
I’m a 20 years old student from Lucca, in Italy. I’m at the third year of Computer Engineering University. I’m a fashion victim, shopping addicted and a nerd of pc!
How would you define your style?
Classic chic. I don’t like excess at all, i like to mix different styles to not became nor strange neither “old”.
What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?
I have red some fashion blogs for some times and then i decided to start mine to show my personal point of view and to have some feedback from other people from different cities, because mine is so close with its traditions.
How did you choose the name of your blog?
My blog it’s a diary and also a fable of my life, so i wanted to start it in the same way of other fables: Once upon a time..
Who/what inspires you?
Well, obviously i read Vogue, Elle and other fashion magazine. I also follow all the runways. But i think the best thing is to see other bloggers wearing their clothes with their taste and style. Street-style is the most inspiring thing for me.
What are your favourite pieces in your wardrobe?
My blazers. Absolutely. I love blazers, I think they can make a simple outfit so chic!
What advice do you have for new bloggers or people considering starting a blog?
Don’t be scared to show your style. Don’t copy other fashion bloggers and, the most important thing: be yourself!
What importance do social networks have for you?
I think they are very very important. Most of the followers of my blog discovered it trough Facebook and Twitter. Facebook in particular is the best way to let someone know from the rest of the world!
Your first thought in the morning?
What I should wear?
What is your favourite thing to do when not blogging?
Walking on my city walls or doing something with my computer (I told you I’m a nerd!).
For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?
New York. It inspires me so much!!
How would you describe fashion in the city where you live?
Old and classic.
What message do you hope to send to your readers?
That being yourself is the most fashion thing!
Do you find Eleonora’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!