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Meet the Fashion Bloggers The Parisienne

22 January 2014

In this series, we’ve been interviewing some of our favorite fashion bloggers around the world, today our featured blogger is Arabella of The Parisienne.

Arabella, tell us a little bit about yourself (who you are/what you do/where you’re from, etc.).
Nice to meet you! My name is Arabella, I live in Italy, with the desire to move definitely to Paris.
I am a web addict, Fashion lover and fashion bloggers on

How would you define your style?
This is depending on the season and sometimes change day to day.
A combination of french chic and bohemian style, with a carefully attention for details.
And bloggin i think is the best way to find out more about your self and your style.

Who/what inspires you?
Certainly,from everything that surrounds and that inspire me.
I read and disconcertingly enormous amount of fashion blogs and magazines.
I have a great personal networks, and i carefully select what i like and what
inspire me from an inexhaustible fashion repertories.

What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you to keep blogging?
After years of reading the most important fashion magazines, one year ago i finally decided that writing about fashion,design and
lifestyle was my real passion, and THE-PARISIENNE.COM was born.
It’s starting out waiting to be a fashion blogger and long the way,day a after day, it evolved into a Blog read every day from many people all
around the world,and this certainly made me really happy, especially because it allowed me to be chosen from the most important and
influential Fashion Magazine in the world ( VOGUE Italy) for a fashion internship,that led me today to collaborate and write for a several
fashion brands. Now my Blog is still just really personal, it’s about what i love to wear,things that inspire me and i find and adore on the
internet, from a pair of heels to a great street style picture and random stuff i fell like sharing.

How did you choose the name of your blog?
Because i believe that we can be “Parisienne” although not born on the rive gouchè,
because i love the City of lights and everything that is connected to Paris.
So i thought that THE PARISIENNE was the perfect name.

What was the best comment you ever received from a reader?
Thank you for inspire my life every time i need it!

What are your favourite pieces in your wardrobe?
My Trench coat collections,my heels,my precious bags and some vintage jewelry.

What is your top fashion tip?
The creativity and the ability to mix and match different fashion style with unique details.

What advice do you have for new bloggers or people considering starting a blog?
To do it with a real passion and personal style.

What importance do social networks have for you?
They are very important, they represent now the new power of communication.

Your first thought in the morning?
Turn on my Mac and Coffee please!

What is your favourite thing to do when not blogging?
Live my real life.

For you, what is the world’s most fashionable city?
I find Paris and NYC a little overstimulating in terms of Fashion as everything available to you!
But still living in Italy , Milan is definitely one of the major fashion capitals in the world.

How would you describe fashion in the city where you live?
I can describe it, cause now i live in a small town, where for many people, Fashion is just a matter of logos.

What message do you hope to send to your readers?
To follow their true passion and start living the life they have always dreamed of!

Do you find Arabella’s style inspiring? Let us know in the comments!

Here are some Arabella’s tips for shopping on



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