Refined and elegant, the linen is certainly one of the oldest textile fibers.
Its origins are documented in the Egyptian, Babylonian and Phoenician civilization and, generally, in the Middle East.
During the Middle Age it spread all over Europe where, even after the advent of cotton fabrics, still was one of the finest natural textile fiber.
However the linen manufacturing reached significant dimensions thanks to the industrial loom invention, in 1800.
The linen cellulosic nature lends it the typical strenght and rigidity that give it its crease effect. It is classified in accordance with its fiber fineness, and thanks to its lightness is often used to tailor summer-friendly clothing.
However, its informal allure comes from the 70's, when the linen was used by hippies, who were famous for preferring natural materials.
Simple and cool, although the linen is often associated to a casual and minimal look, or to a colonial style in its natural ecru colour, actually is much more than this: it is perfect to tailor suits for free spirited men with an innate elegance.

Editorials 21 August 2020