With a catalog of over 80,000 items and 500 of the most prestigious designers, GIGLIO.COM is a rapidly expanding community of boutiques on the main international markets (Europe, North America, APAC).
We address influential partners operating in the fashion & luxury sector, able to promote GIGLIO.COM in compliance with our policies.
The benefits of the program
- Simple and free affiliation
- A dedicated affiliation team specialized in the most important international markets (with the possibility of communicating in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, and German)
- Dynamic commissions on all valid sales
- Personalized support: an IT team dedicated to technical assistance, able to provide updated product feeds daily
- The possibility of increasing commissions based on the results
- Constantly updated banners and other dedicated materials
- Periodic updates on new in-store designers, dedicated promotions, and other highlights
How to promote GIGLIO.COM
- Creating engaging quality content in line with GIGLIO.COM policies
- Including the dedicated GIGLIO.COM materials on websites and social pages
- Updating your customers on the latest news and exclusive promotions
- Using the dedicated product feed, available to each affiliate